No. 026/05/63 / Th XV, May 7, 2012: SOUTH KALIMANTAN ECONOMIC GROWTH QUARTER I- 2012 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabalong Regency

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No. 026/05/63 / Th XV, May 7, 2012: SOUTH KALIMANTAN ECONOMIC GROWTH QUARTER I- 2012

Release Date : May 7, 2012
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Economic growth Kalsel 1-2012 quarter increased 6.28% compared to the same quarter the previous year (y-o-y). Source of this growth mostly contributed by the mining and quarrying sector amounted to 1.60%, trade, hotels and restaurants 1.34% and 0.80% the agricultural sector.

Compared to the same quarter of 2011 (y-o-y) components are also increasing, with household consumption expenditure and LNP rose by 5.32 percent, government expenditure rose by 1.02 percent, and imports amounted to 12.76 percent. Meanwhile, gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) decreased slightly around 0.27 percent, exports decreased by -1.10 percent

Economic growth according to a quarterly cycle is compared to the fourth quarter of 2011 fell by -7.55%, decline in agricultural growth occurs more frequently because the cropping pattern. External conditions also affect the global oil crisis which is a direct impact on fuel prices in Indonesia. The price of fuel becomes expensive and also have an impact on prices in other sectors. Sectors which have a direct impact is transportation, trade and services.

Components of household consumption and LNP and component exports to be a factor driving economic growth in this quarter compared to the fourth quarter of 2011. Each of these components grew by 0.49 per cent and -16.41 per cent.

South Kalimantan's economy, as measured by the amount of GDP at Current Prices First Quarter of 2012 reached 16.76 trillion rupiah, while the GDP at constant prices reached 7.64 trillion rupiah.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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