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According to Population Census 2020 at 2023 in Tabalong Regency has recorded a population of 263,42 thousand people

Know BPS Early

Know BPS Early

November 12, 2012 | Other Activities

With attribute blue and white uniforms complete, as many as 96 students of class VIII Christian junior Kanaan Banjarmasin and 4 teacher aide visited the offices BPS South Kalimantan, on Wednesday 24/10 ago. Their arrival was greeted PJS. Head of BPS South Kalimantan, Edy Erwan (Kasi Lisbang Statistics), due to the echelon II and III were followed Rateknas in Denpasar Bali.

All students while listening to a brief description of BPS.

Of the 100 guests present, enough to make a scene work BPS South Kalimantan and employees. This is due to the students and their accompanying teachers come together. Although they come in so many did not dampen the spirit   South Kalimantan BPS employees to keep serving with sincerity.

When the room is a meeting, one teacher aide explained the purpose and objectives of visiting the office BPS South Kalimantan, which wanted to introduce her students to the BPS. Because BPS associated with students learning in our schools. As Geography lesson (about the area), Mathematics (data) and Indonesian (the reporting). Therefore we would like to know more in depth, what activities are done BPS far from the beginning to be a book or publication, said teacher aide.

Responding to what the teacher aide, Rohdiana Kurniawati (Kasi Dissemination and Statistics Service), provide a brief description of BPS, vision and mission and the activities of BPS BPS   South Kalimantan. Starting from the process of planning, training, to dissemination and publication. It pulled after giving a brief explanation, many students and accompanying teachers who ask questions about the data of the population by sex and age group. Besides the data on births and deaths in South Kalimantan.

Kanaan Banjarmasin Christian junior high school students at the library.

After about thirty minutes the room is a meeting, all the students went to the processing and finally to the library.   While in the library all tasks assigned teacher aide   answered. It turned out hard as well so look for the data, said one teacher aide, as he ended his visit while providing memories for BPS South Kalimantan.

Photos & Narration by "My
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Tabalong (Statistics of Tabalong Regency)Alamat : Jl. Jaksa Agung Soeprapto No 82


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