BPS South Kalimantan Held KSK Workshop 2014 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabalong Regency

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BPS South Kalimantan Held KSK Workshop 2014

BPS South Kalimantan Held KSK Workshop 2014

March 20, 2014 | Other Activities

See the intensity of use of BPS data today, especially by the Provincial Government of South Kalimantan, has been made public, including data users and bystanders to be aware of BPS closely. To anticipate this, ranging from the head of BPS RI to officers in the field have to work extra hard in order to keep pace with developments in all fields today.

In accordance with the vision of BPS Pioneers Trusted Data Statistics for All can not be separated from the role of the District Coordinator of Statistics (KSK) as the spearhead of BPS. In the hands of KSK was actually lives life BPS is located. And KSK is an arm of the BPS Indonesia, BPS and BPS Regency / City.

To that end, BPS South Kalimantan Province considers it important to hold a Technical Meeting (meeting) KSK at Hotel Aria Barito Banjarmasin, on March 10 to 12, 2014. In an effort to evaluate the work of the KSK in 2013 primarily related activities, namely ST2013 Household Income Survey farmers (SPP) in 2013, an increase in the performance of the KSK and preparation of BPS 2014 mainly subsector's activities Enumeration survey of Farm Commodities Cost Structure Strategic ST2013 in 2014 and 2014 as well as Documenting Podes other surveys.

Taking the theme of Reforms With the Spirit, we implement Data Collection for Professionals, Qualified and Timely, was officially opened by Dyan Pramono Effendi and attended by 157 people KSK-Kalsel. KSK meeting through 2014, according to Dyan, BPS performance will be paralyzed or dead faint if we slightest intention of ignoring the important role of KSK. Therefore it is appropriate that we all ranks of leadership BPS South Kalimantan appreciate all the efforts already implemented the KSK in the field. And this is evidenced by the convening meeting KSK-Kalsel se. Activities such as these, according to Dyan that continues to be maintained because without involving the KSK as the most downstream line, it would be difficult to make the BPS as a Provider of Statistical Data Quality and will be wishful thinking nonsense.

Because, in the hands of the KSK and credibility BPS reputation at stake. KSK is a BPS Spirit as the data collectors in the field. So with such a strategic position, few irregularities then it will have an impact on the overall quality of the BPS data. For that, Dyan ordered that KSK work with seriousness, sincerity and professional. Take your time optimally during the KSK meeting this so late in the show will be produced by a variety of outputs and good strategy, useful and applicable in carrying out various tasks in the field.

In the end of the event, Dyan awarded a prize to the KSK who makes the best publication Subdistrict in Figures 2013 and the practice of installing a tile fastest and precise.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Tabalong (Statistics of Tabalong Regency)Alamat : Jl. Jaksa Agung Soeprapto No 82


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