Economic Census 2006 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabalong Regency

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According to Population Census 2020 at 2023 in Tabalong Regency has recorded a population of 263,42 thousand people

Economic Census 2006

Economic Census 2006

July 4, 2012 | BPS Activities

    A lot has happened over the past 10 years such as: the economic crisis, regional autonomy, the handling of the post-crisis, changes in the industry and others. The economic crisis and the handling of post-crisis influence on changes in the structure of national and regional economies, both in business scale, spread of business and business ownership. Regional autonomy
    give effect to the creativity and intensity regions in building and developing economic activities in the territory of each. Regional policy in autonomy will greatly affect the incentives of economic growth in each region. Growth and changes in economic activities in different scales: micro, small, medium and large businesses, please note carefully to the planning and evaluation of development outcomes. Likewise, business maps, databases and directories businesses / companies that complete, detailed and up to date is very necessary to illustrate the potential and the development of economic activities in all districts / cities throughout Indonesia. In conducting the survey population economics needed business / company that is complete, accurate, reliable and up to date to obtain a sample frame. Without the existence of this population, too expensive costs to be incurred for research and economic planning. ECONOMIC CENSUS 2006 (SE06) Referring to Law No. 16 of 1997 on Statistics and Government Regulation No. 51 of 1999 on the Implementation of Statistics, BPS mandated in order to organize economic census once in ten years in every year ending in 6 (six). Indonesia have conducted the last Economic Census 1996 (10 years ago), while compared with Japan, they do it twice in every five years. Economic Census 1996 will be a comparison of the portrait of the current economic situation.
    2006 Economic Census (SE06) to be held BPS is now the fourth Economic Census. A number of questions used to be able to answer a variety of changes in phenomena as described above. This information will be useful as a performance evaluation and planning of future development. Therefore Census
    2006 Economic absolutely for supported by the Government and the public. Economic Census 2006 will present the basic data on economic activities in Indonesia including the number, characteristics of business of all sizes engaged in the economic sector. Likewise, problems and obstacles businesses in all sectors, in all sizes and in all regions until the smallest area of ​​the village.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Tabalong (Statistics of Tabalong Regency)Alamat : Jl. Jaksa Agung Soeprapto No 82


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