TPT (Open Unemployment Rate) in February 2019 Kalimantan Selatan of 3.50 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabalong Regency

According to Population Census 2020 at 2023 in Tabalong Regency has recorded a population of 263,42 thousand people ||  Released Publications can be downloaded in pdf form in the Publication menu ||  For more information, please come to Statistics Tabalong office Jalan Jaksa Agung Soeprapto No 82 Tanjung every working days (08.00-15.30 WITA) or contacting us at whatsapp 0812-5513-0184

TPT (Open Unemployment Rate) in February 2019 Kalimantan Selatan of 3.50 Percent

Release Date : May 6, 2019
File Size : 0.46 MB


  • The total workforce reaches 2.25 million people consisting of 2.17 million people who work and 78.73 thousand people who are unemployed. In February 2019, South Kalimantan TPAK was 73.98 percent and TPT was 3.50 percent.
  • The agricultural sector absorbs the most labor in Kalimantan Selatan. The agricultural sector absorbs 31.89 percent of the workforce. Compared to the absorption in February 2018 which amounted to 35.19 percent, the decline in absorption by the agricultural sector was 3.30 points.
  • As many as 55.07 percent of the population worked in the informal sector (self-employed status (20.44 percent), tried to be assisted by temporary workers (14.09 percent), free workers (3.99 percent) and unpaid workers (16.55 percent). )). While workers in the formal sector were recorded as 44.93 percent (workers / employees (40.98 percent) and the status of the effort was assisted by permanent workers (3.95 percent)).
  • Based on working hours, residents working 35 hours or more a week increased by 5.93 points to 66.70 percent compared to a year ago which amounted to 60.77 percent. People who work between 15-34 hours per week experience a relatively large decline of 3.47 points.
  • 43.67 percent of the population worked in Kalimantan Selatan with an elementary / no diploma and 17.12 percent of workers graduated from junior high school equivalent, and 11.40 percent of workers had diploma education and universities.
  • The highest TPT at the same level of high school is 5.66 percent. The lowest TPT is in the junior secondary education level with a lower level of 2.45 percent.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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