Gini Ratio of South Kalimantan in March 2018 was 0.344 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabalong Regency

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Gini Ratio of South Kalimantan in March 2018 was 0.344

Release Date : July 16, 2018
File Size : 0.46 MB


- Gini Ratio of Kalimantan Selatan in March 2018 was 0.344 is better than Gini Ratio in September 2017 which amounted to 0, 347.
- Inequality in spending in Kalimantan Selatan is categorized as low. This is indicated by the percentage distribution of population expenditure of the lowest 40 percent group which is 19.84 percent.
- The level of inequality in spending in Kalimantan Selatan for rural areas is better than the level of inequality in urban areas. This can be seen from the distribution percentage of population expenditure of the lowest 40 percent group in rural area by 22.63 percent higher than in urban which amounted to 18.31 percent.
- The level of inequality of expenditure in the Kalimantan region is categorized as low. All provinces in Kalimantan are above the national average of 17.29.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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