ECONOMIC GROWTH SOUTH KALIMANTAN QUARTER II- 2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabalong Regency

According to Population Census 2020 at 2023 in Tabalong Regency has recorded a population of 263,42 thousand people ||  Released Publications can be downloaded in pdf form in the Publication menu ||  For more information, please come to Statistics Tabalong office Jalan Jaksa Agung Soeprapto No 82 Tanjung every working days (08.00-15.30 WITA) or contacting us at whatsapp 0812-5513-0184


Release Date : August 5, 2014
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South Kalimantan's economy in the second quarter 2014 grew by 12.95% compared to the previous quarter (q to q) and when compared to the same quarter last year grew 4.89% (y-on-y). Amount of GDP at current prices in the second quarter of 2014 to reach Rp 22,94triliun, while the GDP at constant prices in the same quarter in 2000 was Rp 9.61 trillion.

Three sectors that experienced the highest growth in q-to-q is the agricultural sector 63.00%, trade, hotels and restaurants by 5.4%, construction sector 5.1%. As for growth y-on-y in financial services, leasing and corporate services 9.90%, trade, hotels and restaurants 8.23% and 7.65% in the construction sector.

Cumulatively, through the first half of 2014, the economy growing South Kalimantan (c-to-c) of 5.18% compared to the first half of 2013, with a nominal value of Rp 43.29 trillion at current prices.

Second-Quarter GDP structure in 2014 was dominated by the mining sector, agriculture, and trade, hotels and restaurants, each of which accounted for 20.64%, 20.42%, and 16.89% of the total GDP.

South Kalimantan economic performance in the second quarter of 2014 was driven by domestic consumption that can reduce foreign exports decline due to price correction in some commodity-based natural resources in the international market.

From the demand side (demand side), almost all of the components in the second quarter have increased compared to the first quarter of 2014.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Tabalong (Statistics of Tabalong Regency)Alamat : Jl. Jaksa Agung Soeprapto No 82


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