Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star in South Kalimantan month of November 2013 amounted to 61.06 per cent (up 4.26 points compared October 2013) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabalong Regency

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Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star in South Kalimantan month of November 2013 amounted to 61.06 per cent (up 4.26 points compared October 2013)

Release Date : January 2, 2014
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Room Occupancy Rate ( TPK) star in South Kalimantan in November 2013 was 61.06 percent , up 4.26 points compared October 2013 which only reached 56.80 percent , and as compared with November 2012, which only reaches 50 , 50 percent , also an increase of 10.56 points .


TPK non-star hotel in November 2013 reached 34.93 percent , down 2.07 points compared in October 2013, which reached 37.00 percent , and down 2.15 points over the month of November 2012 which reached 37.08 percent .


 Level Usage Beds ( TPTT ) star -month November 2013 at 66.64 percent , up 5.89 points compared to the state in October 2013, which only reached 60.75 percent , and when compared with November 2012 TPTT which only reaches 55 , 08 percent also an increase of 11.56 points .


Level Usage Beds ( TPTT ) non-star in November 2013 reached 34.45 percent , down 2.30 points compared to the state in October 2013, which reached 36.75 percent , and compared with the November 2012 state that reached 37.19 percent also a decline of 2.74 points .


Average length of stay ( RTLM ) foreign and domestic guests ( domestic ) in the month of November 2013 five-star hotel is 1.71 nights , down 0.06 night compared to the state in October 2013, which reached 1.77 nights . Compared to the same period of the previous year ie November 2012 to reach 1.74 during the evening , a decline of 0.03 nights .


Average length of stay ( RTLM ) foreign and domestic guests ( domestic ) on the non-star -month November 2013 was 1.35 nights , down 0.18 night compared to the state in October 2013, which reached 1.53 nights . Compared to the same period the previous year ( November 2012 ), which reached 1.45 nights , also a decline of 0.10 during the night .
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