April 2013 Banjarmasin experienced inflation of 0.04 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabalong Regency

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April 2013 Banjarmasin experienced inflation of 0.04 percent

Release Date : May 1, 2013
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In April 2013 the city of Banjarmasin experienced inflation of 0.04 percent. From 66 cities in Indonesia, there were 29 cities experienced inflation, while 37 other cities experiencing deflation. Inflation was in the city of Mulberry inflation of 0.81 per cent and the lowest occurred in Kediri by 0.01 percent, while the highest deflation occurred in the town of Maumere deflation of 1.20 percent and the lowest occurred in the town of Tanjung Pinang at 0.01 Percent .

Banjarmasin inflation is due to rising prices indicated by the increase in the index for processed food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco by 0.51 percent, housing, water, electricity, gas, fuel prices increased by 0.75 percent, rising health group by 0.01 percent, and education, recreation and sport increased by 0.40 percent. Meanwhile, foodstuff prices declined by 0.55 per cent, clothing fell by 1.13 per cent and in the transport, communications and financial services fell by 0.10 percent.

Ten commodities that drove the inflation is onion, household fuel, sugar, papaya, oranges, spiced, red pepper, cayenne pepper, clove cigarette filter, long eggplant.

Ten commodity inflation is inhibiting the garlic, cork, gold jewelry, chicken meat, anchovies telang, spinach, trevally, mustard greens, gasoline, bananas.

According to its components, the goods whose prices are influenced by government policy (administered goods inflation) generally experienced inflation of 0.89 percent, prices volatile (volatile goods inflation) deflation of -0.60 percent and core components (core inflation) experienced inflation of 0.10 percent.

Inflation rate of calendar year (January-April) in 2013 by 1.81 percent, while the rate of inflation "year on year" (April 2013 to April 2012) of 5.31 percent.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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