No. 62/11/63 / Th. II, 5 November 2012 INDEX OF CONSUMER TENDENCY QUARTER III-2012 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabalong Regency

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No. 62/11/63 / Th. II, 5 November 2012 INDEX OF CONSUMER TENDENCY QUARTER III-2012

Release Date : November 5, 2012
File Size :  MB


General explanation

Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) is an indicator of current economic developments generated through the Central Bureau of Statistics Consumer Tendency Survey (STK). ITK is a composite index of households' perceptions about economic conditions and consumption behavior of consumers towards the economic situation on a quarterly basis. STK conducted quarterly with a sample of 280 households. Respondents STK is a sub-sample of the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) specialized in urban areas. The sample selection panel conducted between quarter to gain a more accurate picture of the changes in consumer perception over time

Consumer Economic Conditions Third Quarter - 2012

¾ Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) South Kalimantan in the third quarter of 2012 by 110,93artinya general perception of consumers consider that the economic conditions are generally better than the previous quarter.

¾ The level of consumer confidence is higher than the second quarter of 2012 (a value greater than 110.93 ITK ITK second quarter of 2012 which resulted in ITK sebesa 109.51).

Economic conditions improved ¾ society driven by an increase in the three variables, namely the household income, the effect of inflation and the rate of consumption.


Estimates of Consumer Economics Fourth Quarter of 2012

¾ Value ITK South Kalimantan fourth quarter of 2012 is estimated at 107.49 means that consumers are still optimistic that economic conditions are expected to remain good consumers.

¾ The level of consumer optimism Quarter IV-2012 is expected to be lower than the third quarter of 2012 (ITK value of 107.49).

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