Survey of Living Costs 2018 in Tabalong Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabalong Regency

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According to Population Census 2020 at 2023 in Tabalong Regency has recorded a population of 263,42 thousand people

Survey of Living Costs 2018 in Tabalong Regency

Survey of Living Costs 2018 in Tabalong Regency

February 6, 2018 | BPS Activities

Consumer Price Index (CPI) is one of strategic data of Central Agency
Statistics (BPS) required as a basis for determining Government policy.
The percentage change in the CPI or better known as the inflation / deflation rate is an important economic indicator whose data quality needs to be improved from time to time.

One of the basic ingredients of calculating the CPI is the Cost of Living Survey (SBH).SBH was first conducted in 1977/1978, continued in 1988/1989, 1996, 2002, 2007 and the last is in 2012. Currently CPI is calculated based on SBH in 2012, which is the 6th survey since it was first implemented. The development of information technology, changes in community income, changes in supply and demand patterns of goods / services, changes in the quality and quantity of goods / services, and changes in attitudes and behavior of society can change the pattern of public consumption. The change resulted in commodity basket and weighing diagram of the 2012 SBH result is no longer suitable to describe the current situation appropriately.

SBH 2018 aims to produce commodity packages and weigh diagrams
the latest in the calculation of CPI. The implementation of SBH 2018 uses independent household samples quarterly during 2018. Households record non-food consumption expenditure every month, while food consumption is recorded daily for a week in the last month of each quarter.

SBH 2018 was implemented in 90 cities, consisting of 34 provincial capitals and 56 district / city. Of the 90 cities, 82 cities are the coverage of the old city of SBH 2012 and 8 is the new town of additional samples of SBH 2018. This survey is only conducted in urban areas with a sample of 14,160 Census Blocks and total household sample of 141,600 households . Thus, in every quarter there are 3,540 Census Blocks with a total sample of 35,400 households.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Tabalong (Statistics of Tabalong Regency)Alamat : Jl. Jaksa Agung Soeprapto No 82


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